Friday, July 10, 2009

the caterpillar, Issue 1, DUB VERSION

BeingStream concious I fell unconcious falling into a slide I fell and when I awoke I flew to show the call of tattered fragments all as a dream echoes again its call. Larva figured, swaying, steaming in creations mists and vapouring; a meeting at the crossroads at night; and parcels a-bulge with documents.
Found to contain archaisms, lexicographers dilirius outpourings and copious sheaves of notes, many in non-Indo-European languages and all scratched as if with a stylus.

.. figure .. conveyed vivid me .. study these documents ....and print and publish essence; using wires, canvas, glue/paint, electric lightbulbs & any channels of communique in current coinage. A body, a body of information, a body of information, and it was up to me - he placed great emphasis, emphatically and unequivocally; That's about all really I recall - a murk, a smooth shard of glass, a feather in an autumnal breeze. Vivid conveyed. A figure shrouded in sails of obscurity...sails of obscurity shrouded.. blurring..mistifying.. blackening in outline - a figure forever huddled in his incandescent overcoat like it was still the forties; fast fading into night's bronze black bewilderment, leaving only words & echoes of words fast fading.......

So I wandered back home through dripping echoing vaporous streets a-dream and a-slumber and stange old alleys of the night and found my amazed way back to my crumbling tenement room and fell once more into a slumber deep as fog did creep across the towne.

...... a mere evdaemonia, a dream a-fevered, apparitions of the midsummer night.. beyond the night there remained the material - the sparkling flaming tongues of the Visionary Ghetto Tabloid, The Caterpillar, with its cut-up antiphon-echo, its revisioned Dub Version, vitalizing the echoes and symbols crashing and reverberating anew. ..and much babbling of tongues. Elusive creature, worm of Eleusis, haunter of diamond-rippling time; departer in fogs of dark. And harking out I watch and hope .. watching I wait and brood on the arrival of that figure; be it in a dream, in a dream or in a subway tunnel, in a subway tunnel or in some other place in this physical world.

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