Friday, May 10, 2019

Rising Spirits

Walking through golden mist knee-deep and swirling thick and glutinous like luminous marmalade, through budding meadows brim with the efflorescence of ages and the mysterious hoof-prints of the miniature deer that run by night.  Over the bridge into yet another realm, this one congealed and composed of conglomerations of sensory experience, like the five skandhas or aggregates of personality as taught at Nalanda in times antique and gone to the Indian sun of past millennia.  Glittering sea-glass and muted orange-barley glow in the harvest-fields, following, following, following;  ever following the super-luminous trail of The Caterpillar as he loops across the land;  now here, now there.  Blessing the Earth, suffusing it with culture and knowledge, parchments scattered like leaves in his tracks, clattering clogs on many a foot going round many a block and skittering down alleys and country cart-tracks and byways where sun shines dappled through leaves that tremble when the breeze comes around stirring and soughing high and lonesome in late afternoon.  Reaching a wondrous isle suspended just above midstream in the dragon-fly river, it glistens in water surrounded and fish spit and gurgle there.  What nature whispers in the waters and the leaves of the trees can not be written in the tongues of man.  The nature-feeling that we write of is just an echo of the real nature-feeling.  Only a lungful of air can say it.  Only an uphill puff can inflate it.  Only the rustle of wind in the corn, the long meadow grass and wheat, only the rustle of cereal crops under dark thunderous blue and purple skies in the summer’s blasting heat can say it.  Only the splash of the surf can say it.  Mordros mutter tramor and back, wondrys, marthys and Glagolitic.  Subsisting on glossolalia is no substitute for nature’s silent roaring laugh.  If the world is old and ill then the spirits of the Earth will rise. 

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