Saturday, September 11, 2010

tHe OcToPuS eDiTiOn - ThE cAtErPiLlAr nO.18

Kollell-lessa, Ochtapas, chameleon prairie pods trigger museum to close our eyes to the octopus rise. These days we tend to cool our tentacles with yogic tendencies. Confused? Go ask Alice, but hey! There's no need to SHOUT! Fun-loving fans dabbing at fun-dubbing bands. Leaving only the great unanswered question - Who ARE You? said the Caterpillar. wHo ArE yOu?! echoed The Caterpillar Dub, aRe YoU? ArE yOu? Echoed The Caterpillar Dub, The Dub, The Dub, The Dub, The Caterpillar Dub - A Visionary Ghetto Tabloid - A Dub - an echo - an echo - an echo...Eight limbs, it climbs, ate clams, it reverberates like an invertebrate pressing its ten tackles into blocks of black ink, it sinks, squirms and seethes, sea-green cephalopod slithering to juddering collywobbling oceanic. Flying from pool to pool styn elada - in our beautiful Greece - heroic home of Minoan transcendent trance extasis taximi lyras you need eight arms just to play it. Vehicular tripods trying to steal the squirming lovers and give them the chop. Ink in the face from eightlegs is mightier than the penchant for seameat. Patanjali meerly folds his two legs in subtle Samadhi. Copious lagoons of Lanugo coated copepods lampooned in Harpoonville Harbourview News – EXCLUSIVE
TO Valis, from the Muses, via the Sutric Jewel Net these syllables are thrown into space – so many dreamthreads and ragged shards of meanings pointed to collective future consciousness.

Link to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras:

Syd Barrett - Octopus

The Beatles, Apple Studios, January 1969:

The Dubliners - Whiskey in the Jar

The Dubliners - Octopus Jig

Our Octopus opening a Jar

The Beatles - Octopus's Garden

Octopus escapes through scupper

Syd Barrett, 6th June 1970 - Octopus, Live at Olympia, London W14

Ronnie Drew & Eleanor Shanley, Boots of Spanish Leather

Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's Blues

Syd Barrett - Bob Dylan Blues

The Octopus Man.... Well..... You asked for it!!

Link to Syd Barrett’s Lyrics:

Mystic Shining Feet


Breaking news! New Species of Octopi discovered!

Not one but two!

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