Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whirling Swirl 49

Clouds bilious accumulate towering and flimsy- blowing down the sky flits a scrap of newspaper- whirling and curling overhead, riding the seaward breeze- it’s The April issue of The Caterpillar Dub and it’s coming your way….. and it’s blowing away down the street… a gust picks it up and into the sky it’s whirled-


Monday, April 29, 2013

Swirling Whirl 49

Rolling on over golden fields of grain- sky blue haze casually drifts across-  spotted mottled cloud shadow today, rolling on the wind-  blowing down the day flies a scrap of paper- swirling and circling overhead, riding the breeze- it’s The April issue of The Caterpillar and it’s coming your way…..