A baglamas and a travelling guitar balanced on a menhir - a fallen and ravaged menhir - tewlwolow dusk on Halloween - just an everyday scene in the Shyre where the ancient past is right there with you to help you along your way -
Or wander up to Romania and hear a world of amazing music from a magical land Our laughter rings around the world a turquoise banner bright unfurled our love shines out to people far and near beneath the shiny stars - Well I guess that just about covers everything - don-t forget to tune back in for the Dub Version - - -
Check out my fiction ebook, The Horned Whale - available from all good ebook sites - The Horned Whale or An Morvil Kornek by Jeremy Schanche - ISBN: 9780993490910 - 175,710 words - $3.99 - Contains the mystery novel - The Kramvil, plus short stories, poetry and glossaries. Find out more at : http://yecaterpillar.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/the-horned-whale-by-jeremy-schanche.html
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