plain notes furl the gypsy fiddle and the band joins sideways shifting and
drifting over the Carpathian mountains.
Dark wells and billows of vapour brake the light into sharp-stalagmites
of a thousand brittle bloats, shadowing
tracts of cataract. Between the turfs
scutter and scuttle cling, feathery shatter and thaw.
Globe lume larva car pace rig but lo zen a saffron zombie is typical
numinous phosphorous scope lope rope nasty on tropical fish on a stalagmite-sloth
mole-herring gull-ship og carbon if thy tin ant wax-eater dew phone late
A fogment. A fig. A paper fragment from a collage. That’s all it is.
Just the flow of the ten thousand things. --------------------------------------------------
Though it seems so long ago, I have dreams - dreams to remember and remembrance runs wild to another planet - the start of a brilliant adventure.
The plaintive notes unfurl from the gypsy fiddle and the band joins in
with a sideways metallic blues, shifting and drifting like the clouds over the
Carpathian mountains. Dark swells and
billows of water-vapour brake the sunlight into shark-stalactites of a thousand
brittle glinting hues. Swelling
cloud-mass furls and bloats, shadowing tracts of land and cataract-white
rivers. Between the turfs beetles
scutter and scuttle, lichens cling, feathery hawks and eagles soar, ice starts
to crack, shatter and thaw.
Check out my fiction ebook, The Horned Whale - available from all good ebook sites - The Horned Whale or An Morvil Kornek by Jeremy Schanche - ISBN: 9780993490910 - 175,710 words - $3.99 - Contains the mystery novel - The Kramvil, plus short stories, poetry and glossaries. Find out more at :
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