Saturday, April 30, 2011

Iridescent Caterpillar Dub 25

Iridescent Dub of The Caterpillar No.25 aglow with Stegolepis iridoplasts; flickering with terracqueous bio-luminescence and blazing with inner luminosity of bright metallic hue.

More from the Great Poly Styrene & X-Ray-Spex at the floydyopz channel:

Friday, April 22, 2011


The rain spattered down on the granite seaside town, making ten thousand jewels dance in the road. Mixing the breath of the sea and the fields. Glazing over seven terracqueous towns. Further wetting the oldest of fish. Perforating the Great Meniscus of the Floating World. Down came the rain; rinsing the alleyways of the slumbering port of mortal Dreams.