Greenhornhood heavy hung however wholly haloing halfling’s holy head. Thinking through these thick thoughts thoroughly though therefore that’s thought’s threnody thus through and through. Greenhorn gores dirigible though, punctiliously & pitiably deflating the gasbag envelope. Avidly attempting to avoid responsibility though he attempts to involve the antelope in culpability. However heavy though hung the halo halflight around Greenhornhood’s head.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Caterpillar DUB 23 Colour Supplement
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Caterpillar 23 Glossolaliafanzine
Step into the word-mill where words will spill - in the worldmill the worldoom's windmill where Golden Greek Libraries lie awake smiting oats from the earth - quakers, movies and shakti. Enraptured delightful empty glow in lanthorn litten of eld and rich in pirate's gold smuggled encaves and barrels of wooden legs. Seven pieces of eight for to buy you a golden gate. Whatever is dropped into the word-mill will later reappear downstream of consciousnessmonster.

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Jack Kerouac on telly, 1959
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band Live, 1969: 'She's Too Much For My Mirror', 'My Human Gets Me Blues'.
Dylan Thomas reads 'In My Craft Or Sullen Art'.
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Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band Live, 1969: 'She's Too Much For My Mirror', 'My Human Gets Me Blues'.
James Joyce in Paris, 1920's.
James Joyce reads from 'Finnegans Wake'.
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