Thursday, December 30, 2010

Caterpillar Dub 21 Visionary Dagblat

Quivering, shivering, scintillating illusory myriad mirages shimmy in shining icy heat-haze. Mind’s wondrys undulating ululations shake unsullied imagery in imaginary genie cities. Shattering mosaics mimic languid lyric linguistic lipstick tricks, lip-synched in Dub daubs and dabs – cut-ups of Caterpillar poemimages merely milage for slime and silage. Mimeographed wobbles dangle bobbles of chromatic schematics and semantics freeze in their trax. Facts found foolish forgotten feelings flung far following feeble falsity.

A poster for your wall, or your street...

Text Color
Flyers to pass around...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Caterpillar No.21 - Also Available in DUB

A Samizdat Dagblat Ghetto Tabloid Dubplating Diploid Locus Diplodocus Lo-Fi Locust Visionary Focus With Poster Floats and Flyers Flapping From Telegraphic Crocus Joker's Toadstool Topiary Motors...

Hi Folks - This month we're giving away a Free Poster with every issue of The Caterpillar - all you have to do is print it out and stick it on your wall. Also for Public Display - attach it to your local notice-board or the wall of your local mysterious alley in the Old part of Towne...

& Here's some flyers to print, cut out and scatter around - Share the Vision.....

We have thought of ourselves, perhaps, as creatures moving upon this earth, rather helpless, at the mercy of storm and hunger and our enemies. We are to think of ourselves as immortals, dwelling in the Light, encompassed and sustained by spiritual powers. The steady effort to hold this thought will awaken dormant and unrealized powers, which will unveil to us the nearness of the Eternal. PATANJALI – YOGA SUTRAS Interpreted by Charles Johnston, N.Y. 1912

Just heard the sad news about the death of Captain Beefheart - early hero and musical Visionary - lots of Love to the Spirit Flying Free...

i love you you big dummy...